FOI request to Islington Council

A Freedom Of Information (FOI) request was made to Islington Council in August 2015 for the following:

Any information – whether current or historic – held by Islington council pertaining to plans for redevelopment/new build development on Hathersage Court and/or Besant Court in Mildmay/Newington Green. This should include any reports, plans, feasibility studies, letters, meeting minutes – or any other information held by the council that pertains to the potential redevelopment/new build development on Hathersage Court and/or Besant Court.
Please note: This should include any information about proposals for redevelopment/new build development on Hathersage Court and/or Besant Court that were developed by Homes for Islington.
The time period for this request is for information held by the council dating from January 1 2010 to the present (the date the request is processed by the council).

The council responded with the following document:

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Estate improvements

Following the very successful summer barbeque that we held in mid-August, the TRA has continued to make progress in several issues related to improving the Estate. Recent work has included:

  • Cycle lockers have been installed at the front of the estate and will be available for residents. We are currently waiting to hear back from the council about how keys can be obtained.
  • The central accessway from the front of Hathersage Court to the ground floor flats at the rear of the Estate has now been installed and will soon be made available for those residents.
  • On the quarterly walk-round, we discussed how the sunken playground area can be brought back into use (and is already partly being used).

Please contact us if you have any other issues that you would like us to raise or try to address.

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Summer garden party and Biannual General Meeting

We are excited to announce that there will be a garden party open to all residents of Hathersage Court taking place on Sunday, 17th August from 12 o’clock onwards in the community garden.

There will be an opportunity for residents to learn about the community garden, including how to plant new plants and care for the ones that are already growing. There will be a special gardening/planting session with additional input from professional gardeners. Children are especially welcome to join in.

Additionally, residents will have the opportunity to enjoy a BBQ (weather-permitting!) with free food and drink for all. We will also have some additional shelter in case it isn’t so sunny.

Finally, it is also time for our biannual general meeting – yes, your TRA has now been in existence for two years in its current format! Come along to learn more about the TRA, share your ideas about improving the estate, and get more involved in your local community!

We look forward to seeing you on Sunday, August 17th in the afternoon!

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TRA update

Community Garden:

Works are now underway on the community garden area. The first phase of works, which involves the creation of two raised beds; planting lavender beds; cherry blossoms, magnolia and apple trees should be completed by April. The second phase, involving a wild rose garden; a wild flower meadow as well as woodland planting and a pergola over the seating area is scheduled to begin in the Spring.

Estate improvements:

The TRA has also recently been successful in securing funding for further estate improvements, namely:

  • Opening access at the bottom of the building for residents on the ground floor rear flats, with a new CCTV camera to be installed to improve security
  • Bicycle storage lockers: secure enclosed lockers for bicycle storage to be installed on the ground floor of the estate, in the concrete area facing Newington Green Road.

Please watch out for further details on these projects in the coming weeks.

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Access consultation

Funding has been identified to improve access from the front of the estate to those properties on the ground floor that are currently only approachable via the rear car park. We wish to know your views on this. There are three options:

  1. Access to the rear via the front central access point is made available to all residents using a key system. This would allow ground floor residents access to their flats, and permit other residents to access the community garden from the front of the block
  2. Access to the rear via the front central access point is made available to the residents in the four ground floor flats at the rear. This would allow access to those flats (e.g. for emergency services) from the front of Hathersage Court, but mean that other residents will only have access to the community garden from the rear.
  3. The central access point is kept closed. This would mean that nobody – including emergency services – could access the rear of Hathersage Court from Newington Green.

A questionnaire was distributed to all flats today (13th October). Please let us know your views by next Sunday, 20th October.

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TRA meeting notes – October 2013

We held a TRA meeting for residents of Hathersage Court at the Mildmay Community Centre on Tuesday, 8th October which was additionally attended by representatives from Islington Council. This was an extremely constructive meeting, with solutions provided for a a number of issues that were raised in previous meetings. Additionally, we were delighted to hear that the Gardening Committee has been successfully awarded a £5000 grant in order to set up and improve the community gardening facilities, and work is currently ongoing to finalise the details of obtaining the necessary materials. We were therefore able to clarify several of the arrangements with the Council. There will also be a consultation shortly about access to the lower ground floor flats from the front of Hathersage Court – watch this space for more information!

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TRA meeting – May 2013

The next public meeting of the Hathersage Court Tenants and Residents association will take place on Wednesday 29 May at 7pm. The meeting will take place at Flat 37 Hawthorne Close, Kingsbury Road, London, N1 4AW. In attendance will be local councillors from Islington Council as well as representatives of the Islington Estates Management department.


  1. Caretaking
  2. Community Garden
  3. Access to ground floor flats
  4. Dog mess
  5. Children’s play area
  6. Any other business
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Meeting notes (22 November 2012)

The minutes from the meeting have now been distributed to all the flats on the estate. If you didn’t get a copy (or would like another one), please email us using the details on the contact page.

In brief, there were representatives from Islington Council present, and we discussed a number of issues that have been raised previously – caretaking, the communal garden space, lack of access to the ground floor flats at the rear, and possibilities for bicycle storage. Progress has been made on some issues, while discussions are ongoing for others. Again, full details are in the minutes.

The next meeting date has yet to be arranged, but will probably happen in about 3 months time. In the meantime, the TRA committee members are continuing to liaise with the council and will also try to post occasional updates here on the website.

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TRA meeting – November 2012

Please join us for the next Hathersage Court Tenants & Residents Association Public Meeting. It will take place on Tuesday, 20th November at 7pm in the Mildmay Community Centre. This is located in the Mayville Estate, on Woodville Road, London N16 8NA and is the same location that we used for the first meeting in August.


  1. Chair’s opening remarks
  2. Introduction of TRA officers
  3. Update on issues raised at TRA inaugural meeting
  4. Resident survey results
  5. TRA priorities and key issues
  6. Communications and website
  7. Any other business
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